Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Self-Medicating—Not for Everyone

Anna Nicole Smith was captivating, ditzy, and sentimental—she placed her late husband's ashes right on top of the TV!—and she was very, very stoned. I was transfixed by The Anna Nicole Smith Show when it aired back in 2002. It showed America that slurring can be a way of life!

And no wonder. Anna was a prescription pill head. When she died this February, she had 6 kinds of benzodiazepenes--the family of anti-anxiety meds that includes Valium--in her system, as well as trichloroethanol, a drug nearly identical to "knock-out drops".

The DEA classifies Valium and its brethren as Schedule IV drugs, which means they are available only by prescription, and only 5 refills are permitted within 6 months. Yet, obviously, there are countless ways around this system and Anna must have known every trick in the book. It’s been said that Anna got her scripts from several different doctors and no one was keeping track of what she had. What a mess.

Despite a previous pro-self-medicating post, it is obvious that it is a dangerous game to play.

"Her having access to that many drugs was absurd. [After the death of her son] she needed to be in a safe environment."
LINK (US Weekly)

Prescription Drug Abuse Chart (The National Institute on Drug Abuse)

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